Our Services
We assist clients from all over the world. Some clients are living in other countries and want visas to travel to New Zealand, some clients are in New Zealand already and we meet regularly. No matter where you are, we can help.
Our firm specialises in clients from Asian countries – we have large client bases from India, China, Cambodia and Vietnam. We also represent many clients from South Africa, Fiji, Middle East, Iran, North America and Europe.
We assist many migrants from overseas, some of whom we don’t meet until they arrive here on Resident Visas.
We provide legal advice and representation in a range of immigration law related matters. This includes work, student, resident, visitor visa applications as well as Resident and Humanitarian appeals and Entreprenuer and Investor Category applications.
Residence Class Visa - Migrant Investment Categories
Residence Class Visa - Skilled Migrant Category
Residence Class Visa - Family Categories
Accredited Employer Work Visa
Work Visa Under the Partnership Category
Post-Study Work Visa
Student Visa
Visitor Visa
Limited Visa
Section 61 Request
Ministerial Request
IPT Appeals