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Mr Alastair McClymont.
















Before 2017


Case studies:

  • Mrs A is a widow who arrived in New Zealand as the holder of a three-year multiple-entry grandparent visa which was valid until February 2021. Mrs A lodged a further visitor visa to extend her stay in New Zealand, however unfortunately her application was declined, and she became unlawful in New Zealand.

    We lodged a humanitarian appeal to the Immigration Protection Tribunal and demonstrated that Mrs A will face hardship and significant risk to her life if she were required to return to India at this time. 

    This appeal was successful, and Mrs A was granted a six-month visitor visa to legally remain in New Zealand.

  • Mr X came to us having received a PPI letter on a Skilled Migrant application as a Retail Manager. The concerns that Immigration New Zealand had summarized in no less than four pages. A site visit had taken place in which INZ alleged that the owners were working in the shop so the applicant could not have been the real Manager, that applicant was spending all of his time serving customers only, that the owner was preparing all the marketing and purchasing plans and that the applicant was really working in customer service.

    We obtained full copies of the Immigration file, assessed the verification notes thoroughly and provided 15 pages of detailed submissions together with a further 47 pages of supporting evidence.

    The Residence Visa application was approved two months later.

  • Ms Z was interviewed by INZ fraud investigators about having given false qualifications and documents with her Student Visa application from China. She was served a Deportation Liability Notice.

    We provided 19 pages of extensive submissions and a complaint regarding the service of that Deportation Liability Notice and the failure of the Immigration Service to cancel it.

    In response to our complaint, Immigration New Zealand agreed to cancel the Deportation Liability Notice and Ms Z was then free to lodge an application for a further Student Visa and is now currently in New Zealand on a Graduate Work Visa despite having admitted in her investigation that false documents had been provided through her agent in China in the original Student Visa application.

  • Mr S came to us in October 2012. He had travelled to New Zealand in December 2000 and became an over-stayer in 2004.

    He tried on three occasions through various local agents to obtain a further visa under Sections 35A of the former Immigration Act.

    All of these applications were declined.

    We submitted a Special Directionapplication on Mr S’s behalf in November 2012 which included 18 pages of detailed submissions and a further 187 pages of supporting evidence.

    The second Special Directionapplication was successful, Mr S applied for and was granted a Work Visa and was finally granted a Residence Visa in February 2012. Since then he has successfully sponsored his parents on Multiple Entry Visitor Visas.

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